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Multiplayer Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

! Without a column

World premiere of multiplayer regime Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was the first really big announcement at the exhibition Gamescom 2014. Make a show such as a presentation of a multiplayer out of the show of network shootings Call of Duty: Ghosts Together with rapper Eminem and his exclusive song Survival, the second time in a row Activision did not. But even the lack of “star” support did not prevent the participants in the presentation from intriguing us and thousands of other spectators.

Be exo, think like an exo

The main novelty of the Advanced Warfare multiplayer is an exoskeleton that all fighters are equipped with. It gives advanced freedom of movement, helps in his skin to feel the concept of a "new level of verticality". From now on, players will become much more mobile as pilots in Titanfall and hunters in Crysis 3 , And the best tricks from the network shooters of recent years will receive at their disposal – from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 And Tribes: Asceend To Titanfall. However, Sledgehammer Games borrow Fat Pirate sister sites from everywhere so skillfully that you do not want to guess the "primary sources" of tricks. Under the sun is still nothing new.

► Percaks generally a lot, and the leader of our sympathy was Gung-Ho, which allows you to shoot during sliding or sprint.

The development of an exoskeleton in the Call of Duty multiplayer began three years ago. The authors began with the addition of an “enhanced jump”, familiar from network battles in Crysis 3. Gradually, the concept of a "soldier of the future" in the exoskeleton overgrown with details. As a result, five tricks became available. The already mentioned exo-jump allows you to climb on the roofs and move between the floors. A reinforced jerk and enhanced deviation make the hero more mobile: the jerk in the air allows you to fly a short distance in any direction, and the deviation is necessary to quickly leave the shelter or leave the line of fire

Reinforced sliding gives the players the opportunity to slide longer on the ground, bending down, and works well with an enhanced jump. Finally, the final sketch called “reinforced Slam” allows you to dig on the ground from a height for moments, imprinting the victim to the floor. This trick is considered one of the best innovations Borderlands: The Pre-Equel , And now he got into Advanced Warfare.

► in fact, exoskeleton is a kind of improved rocket satchel.

13 reasons to win

The benefits of exoskeleton are not limited to freedom of movement. Its owners can choose a flight as bonuses, the use of camouflage invisible or bulletproof shield. All this spends the built -in battery. EXO LaUNCher sewn in the sleeve allows you to shoot with powerful grenades or release a help drive, and the Exo Trophy system can repel a couple of enemy grenades.

The exoskeleton battery is consumed quickly, but thanks to the perk overcharged it will last longer. Perki are provided … literally for everything! And here we approach the second key novelty, under the name Pick 13. “Choose 13” – a new character setting system, giving 13 points to choose weapons, skills, strengthening, including the above abilities. IN Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 A similar system was called Pick 10, but was less flexible. Only in Advanced Warfare, players completely form the character class “for themselves”: she even has the right to refuse awards for a series of murders or take as many as four awards for the series in return for something else.

► three per one. As in the last part of Call of Duty, players will be able to choose the floor of the character.

A series of awards for the points earned in battle (Scorestreaks) is allowed to improve additional effects: for example, turn the usual turret into a missile, and then get the opportunity to carry it in the hands. In addition, the authors provided for the joint use of the series – so, we can connect to someone else's drone and help a partner with the allocation of goals. Well … or you can fry a couple of enemies with secondary weapons of the drone.

Power changes everything, including you

The game will encourage fighters for performing tests using the new Supply Drops system. As you develop, players will be awarded with improved weapons, things to decorate the character and auxiliary objects. All of them are divided into three categories: officer, professional and elite. During the presentation, we were shown “non-standard” options for the BAL-27 assault rifle. Thanks to unusual versions of weapons, the number of firearms approached 350 units.

For the first time in the Call of Duty series, an energy weapon will appear, which does not need to change the store. According to the developer, the "trunks" are based on real prototypes. Their disadvantages are still unclear, but the energy taps look too good to not have side effects.

► without drones in Advanced Warfare, apparently, they do not live for a long time.

For sweet developers, they left a demonstration of a virtual shooting range, where you can test the selected weapons and modifications without going into a real battle. Before starting the match, players will be able to show off their heroes in the virtual lobby and see full statistics, achievements and equipment of any other players present in the lobby before launching the battle.

Maps and modes

Four cards are announced: Biolab, Riot, Asceend and Defender. Most of all we remember Defender and Riot. Interactive events like those that we saw in Battlefield 4. The best example is on the Defender map once during the fight by the tsunami licks the whole shore along with a sluggish infantry that did not have time to move to a safe place. Defender action takes place "in the shadow" of the world's world-famous golden gate in San Francisco. On the coastline under the bridge there is a bunker, and the fighters of the future fight both in the bunker and on the coast.

But the Biolab card claims the role of the most boring – its action takes place in a biological laboratory, according to which conveyors with toxic canasters run. If you blow up a car with cans near the enemy, then … he will die. Thanks to close corridors and narrow rooms, battles are often conducted at super -short distances.

► In prison, a part of biometric sensors and security systems for tracking living goals is still valid on the Riot card.

The role of a prison card with a prison is performed by riot. Like Hanoi in Black Ops , The prison in Baghdad is in a deplorable state after the bombing, but the protective systems are still valid. The map includes a system of surveillance of living people, and special locators are marked with laser markers of everyone who fell into their field of vision. You can hide from them only with the help of camouflage exoskelet.

And finally, Asceend is a clear reference to the game Tribes, from which Sledgehammer took “freedom of movement” in the air and accelerated sliding. The battles will unfold inside the cosmic elevator terminal, and the main emphasis is on multi -tiered architecture. It encourages vertical thinking and frequent use of enhanced jumps and flights. The map is equipped with three roads, between which you can quickly move, and the most effective players have the right to activate defensive turrets in special places.

► Energy weapons in action. I wonder if it will be effective? Whether it overheats quickly? There are no answers yet.

A scattering of old modes will appear in the game, from CTF and Domination to Hardpoint, and at least two new ones: Momentum and Uplink. The first was not really shown, but it is known that it is based on WAR mode from Call of Duty: World at War – That is, you have to sequentially capture points on the map. As usual, with a nuance – out of five points, only one random.

Uplink mode is original without reservations-something like basketball, but only with shooting. Two teams are fighting for owning a throne satellite in the shape of a ball. The player dragging the drone in his hands cannot attack, but I have the right to throw the “wear” to any player, including the enemy. As an example at the presentation, the player “grazes” the drone to the enemy and, having deprived the weapon, immediately kills and picks up a satellite from a lifeless body. You need to throw satellites into special communication channels similar to the “digital gate”, and for spectacular throws and spans through the “gate” reward above and the victory is closer.

* * *

Exoskeletons, Drogobol and the expanded Pick 13 Multiplayer Multiplayer of the new PALL of DUTY part is a very attractive thing. I wrote about these things in the July issue of Gamery: “I am waiting for new surprises and I believe that the Hollywood actor will not be the only trouser Activision”. He waited! The network mode in Advanced Warfare showed itself to wait for another significant reason to wait.

Success factors
Risk factors

  • freedom of movement without side vehicles;
  • generous opportunities for setting up a fighter;
  • laser weapons;
  • Basketball in Uplink mode!.
  • unbalanced gadgets and exo-nations;
  • exocostum may be difficult to master;
  • Potential problems with versions for the consoles of the past generation.
Stage of readiness

The three -year work of Sledgehammer is almost completed, and shown on the Gamescom 2014 build is close to the final. It remains to catch bugs, lick the balance and tell about the "Clans Wars" (Clan Wars).

We will wait?

At the start, players will receive twelve game modes online. By the way, about the start – a new type of bonus called Day Zero is relied on the pre -order of the game. Everyone who bought Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare as part of the pre-order will receive access to the game a day earlier and a 24-hour bonus for the experience earned. The presentation of the multiplayer was clearly a success, but I still want to personally make sure that the new opportunities are truly remarkable. After all, Activision like no one knows how to circle players around a finger ..

Waiting rating: 90%

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