At the words "e -sports championship" first of all come to mind Dota 2, League of Legends, Starcraft 2, World of Tanks And Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Of course, now these games are playing the first violin, but there were and still exist many other original disciplines.
► Slender ranks.
Before in our area, the championships on Need for Speed, "Running with the ball" FIFA And even Trackmania With Quake Live, But none of them can boast of their own regular domestic championship now. But the inchings can – Moscow Fighting Arena It has been held since 2004 and has been good every year.
It is only a pity that few know about its existence – at the leading e -sports sites of the CIS of news about tournaments in Tekken Tag Tournament, Super Street Fighter IV and there are almost no others. These portals and competitions under the auspices are not particularly widely covered MFA , which is also insulting.
Perhaps the fact is that the term "e -sports" in our first, second and twentieth queue is associated with playing games, but not on consoles. Those who prefer consoles in the "hardcore" e -sports community are most often considered casuals, "hipsters" from the game world or simply children. This, of course, is wrong.
► Official Banner of Moscow Fighting Arena 2013.
According to the haters, this community is not able to hold a serious championship, because large tournaments are the prerogative of the playing only on the PC, which, however, does not interfere MFA organize your competition and regularly improve them. By the way, the current one MFA – Jubilee, tenth in a row.
Moscow Fighting Arena 2013 Passed in Belokamennaya from August 24 to 25 in the concert hall of the metropolitan technology "Gorbushkin yard". As in the past year, He gathered all the strongest virtual Fighters of the CIS, which arrived in Moscow not only for champion ranks, but also for delicious prizes. Our correspondent also visited there. You can read a report with a lot of personal impressions next door.
It's nice that they did not turn away from MFA Sony , Western Digital , AverMedia , Tritton , TT Esports And Madcatz and provided the organizers with their products for prizes, and the company Western Digital even contributed to the arrival of two invited Korean stars to our lands Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – Tsoi Jin y ( Saint ) And Kim Hyunzhina ( JDCR ).
► Guests from South Korea flew to Moscow not only to popularize the championship, but also to take gold.
In total, in all championships under the auspices MFA-2013 More than two hundred and fifty virtual wrestlers from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, from Ukraine and other countries of the near abroad participated. Some, having paid a small registration fee, signed up immediately on the spot, but there were those who first experienced their forces on preliminary qualifications, nicknamed “ Road ".
Summer qualifying stages for the main fighting tournament in the CIS were held not only on the network, but also in large cities of Russia and Ukraine. For example, c Chelyabinsk Children of metallurgists and steelmits chopped into Tekken Tag Tournament 2 And Soulcalibur v; V Ulyanovsk played in Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2012 ; And in Vladimir they fought in a relatively fresh Injustice: Gods among us.
At MFA-2013, in addition, competitions in Street Fighter X Tekken , Mortal Kombat 9, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core And Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend. And by popular Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Three parallel tournaments were organized at once – a team male and single male and female. In the latter, a paid ticket to the final of the World Championship according to the version stood at the stake ISF!
[[Bullet]] final of the Women's Championship in Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
The Muscovite won Sofia Degay ( Greenleo ) – a frequent winner of local women's tournaments and one of the strongest virtual Fires in the world. Like last year, Greenleo fought in the final with a Muscovite Xenka And again won. Imagine what it is like to lose the second year in a row, but alas. Although he is a cyber, but still sport.
The favorites won in other disciplines. IN Street Fighter X Tekken The Samarkanian was the strongest GR1NGO , and in Mortal Kombat 9 Cheapeddie From Novorossiysk. A decent number of first places on the MFA-2013 and Moscow Fiters mined: Kingusha I took the tournament by Injustice: Gods among us ; Belial – By Soulcalibur v; Prower – By Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend And Keho – By Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition.
It is a pity that our guys could not beat Korean masters of joysticks and sticks in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Both Koreans reached the final in a duel discipline (turned out to be stronger Saint ), and the team won in the team victory " Korean express "( Saint , JDCR and Muscovite Pulsar ). In the final, Asians and Russian defeated the Belarusian-Russian trio " Buttons ".
► No comments!
According to the organizers, behind the ups and downs of tournaments under the auspices MFA-2013 Tens of thousands of spectators followed online, including Gambling , Happily agreeing to act as an information partner. We have repeatedly devoted our materials to the inchings more than once ( once, two, three) and therefore decided to torment expert questions this time.
The first to respond to answer the competition organizer Yana Sorokina , And immediately after it he took the baton Belial – One of the most titled Russian players, champion MFA-2013 By Soulcalibur v and silver medalist Injustice: Gods among us. By the way, in 2012 he went to international tournaments Evo And MGL And because of them I missed last year's MFA. He says he regrets.
[] Hi Yana! As far as we know, you have been one of the organizers of Moscow Fighting Arena for many years. When you first met the fighting? Now you play something, or your joystick is dusting somewhere in the closet?
[I. Sorokina] Yes, for this I am the third MFA , in which I participate, and the second, where I am one of the main organizers. For the first time I met in the inching eight years ago, when, together with friends on a casual level, I played in Guilty Gear.
However, it became very quickly clear that I did not have enough perseverance for this genre, and for many years he left my life. And three years ago, I accidentally got into the Russian fighting community and realized that, firstly, the organizers of the tournaments are not enough, and secondly, it is more interesting for me to engage in the organization than to participate. And went and went ..
By and large, from time to time I play Guilty Gear and Marvel vs. Capcom , I tried it Mortal Kombat And Injustice. I really like to look at Soulcalibur , But the mechanics of this game outside my understanding.
[] How the current MFA is significantly different from last year? What can you boast and what this time did not work? What are the main difficulties in organizing such tournaments?
[I. Sorokina] This MFA Was for the project anniversary, and we began to cook it actually a month after last year. The reserve of time made it possible to think over a lot, chat with a much larger number of potential sponsors, and most importantly – prepare and conduct a series of qualifying " Road to MFA ". Perhaps this is the main difference from all previous championships.
[[Bullet]] “Organizing tournaments is wonderful!"
In total, we had ten qualifying stages in different cities, from St. Petersburg to Alma-Ata , as well as two online tournaments. The main difficulty in organizing is few people who are ready to devote a bunch of their personal time on a voluntary basis. – a project of enthusiasts, and things that are customary to do on a commercial basis, we try to do as we can, but supporting the highest possible quality bar.
[] If we understood correctly, cash prizes were not played out at your tournaments this year, and players fought for joysticks, mice, rugs and even a new PlayStation 4 console. You think, such prizes are better at least small, but still monetary amounts?
[I. Sorokina] I primarily think that any prizes are better than their absence. But seriously, yes, the prize fund on our tournaments consists mainly of consoles, accessories for them and personal computers. We have partners who support our events from year to year-these are, of course, Sony, and also Thermaltake, AverMedia, 1C-SoftKlab and many others. The fact that material prizes are played out at the tournaments, not money, is a certain position of the Organization of the Organizing Complex, due to relationships with partners.
► simple, but pretty medals MFA-2013.
[] Western Digital brought two Koreans to the championship, and they confidently won the single and team tournaments in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Is their level of game is still much higher than that of our players? Tell us about these players – who are they and what previously sought heights?
[I. Sorokina] The secret is that Western Digital brought not random South Koreans, but world -class players – in particular, JDCR One of the strongest texts in the world, on the account of which more than a dozen victories in the largest world championships. His friend Saint Successes are slightly less impressive, but this name is also well known in the global fighting community. These are professional players – what are their words that they train fifteen hours a day. So to some extent their victory was predictable, however, inviting them, we primarily wanted to give Russian players the opportunity to play with world stars and try our forces at the highest level.
► Omega Z sensationally wins the Korean JDCR in the first round
For many young players, fights with Asians will be a unique experience and a strong incentive. And it cannot be said that the Koreans remained undefeated-in the final of the team tournament they lost the first batch of the united Russian-Belarusian team.
[] Under the auspices of the MFA-2013 this year, ten main championships were held. Which of them, in your opinion, turned out to be the most spectacular, and which gathered most of the participants? We saw in the Injustice: Gods among us – you first held a tournament for this game?
[I. Sorokina] Complex question. Each discipline has its own fans, for whom the most spectacular tournament in their favorite game. Personally, I most remember the Guilty Gear tournament – this is one of the warmest and most lamp Russian disciplines. Just a week before the MFA, the game received a global update that they have been waiting a couple of years. Therefore, on the MFA tournament on Guilty Gear There was everything – and an outrageous hype, and the intensity of passions, and moderately unexpected finalists.
► The organizational moments of the championship are being decided.
Most of the participants were gathered Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (foreign guests played their role) and Mortal Kombat (We traditionally love this game, and the release on the RS did its job). By Injustice This was really the first tournament, but, from the point of view of holding, in fact, there is no difference. However, we expected that there would be more people who wanted to participate – this is a certain reason to think.
[] Why did everyone play PlayStation? This is the position of Sony's General Sponsor, or this prefix is objectively considered the most popular among players in fighting?
[I. Sorokina] It so happened that the gamepad PlayStation an order of magnitude more convenient for fighting valves than the controller Xbox. So yes, the vast majority of Fatitis prefers PlayStation. However, at the Xbox 360 tournaments are also held at times, with this good in St. Petersburg. In addition, arcade sticks and hitboxes are more widely spread. Perhaps with the release of the consoles of a new generation, the situation will change.
► could not attend the championship personally? It remains to watch the broadcasts.
[] What awaits us on Mosco Fighting Arena 2014? Perhaps you already have some innovations and notes for the future? What are you going to surprise and lure sophisticated gamers to yourself?
[I. Sorokina] Only a couple of weeks after MFA, it’s too early to talk about the following, especially since the console generation will change this year, which can fundamentally change the situation in the community. For ourselves, we have identified certain development vectors that we must adhere to: recording a video on the site, a debugged Internet broadcast, outside of round entertainment for visitors … There are many plans, but what exactly will be possible to realize, only time will show.
[] Welcome, Belial! Imagine first to our readers – who are you, what is your name, how many years and why do you have such a nickname? Fan of Diablo, or something else influenced?
[E. Okin] Evgeny Okin, 31 years old. Nickname is really taken from the famous role from Blizzard , But there is no hidden background, I just took the first.
► Belial gives another interview.
[] We have already asked Jan Sorokin above, we will ask you – how and under what circumstances did you get acquainted with fighting? What exactly this genre hooked you? What are you playing now in addition to "virtual fights"? In shooters or more to RPG, RTS, MOBA?
[E.Okin] I came to the fighting winging Magic: The Gathering , In MTG – from Starcraft. The genre attracted the high dynamics of the gameplay, the complexity and depth of mechanics. Modern fighting playing is much closer to strategy than to militants. No need to waste time on "development", you immediately go to business. In the same RTS The party lasts an average of forty minutes, during this time in the fighting wing you can play with a dozen games.
► Futings – of course, among the most emotional games.
As for other genres, then, in truth, the games that I played in the last ten years can be counted on the fingers, and most of them are old: Baldur’s Gate 2, Dragon Age, Jagged Alliance, Eador: Creation. The only new game that really carried away is XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
WITH Mova And Mmorpg I didn't work out at all, I don't know why, I just categorically dislike. I love it very much TBS And RPG , But there are very few games in these genres, but what comes out does not catch.
[] This year you won the Soulcalibur V tournament and became the second at the Injustice Championship. Prepared stubbornly or just went in the old memory and easily beat everyone? How long does it take to train to count on prizes at the world championships like IESF?
[E.Okin] It happened that I did not play for months. IN Soulcalibur He played last time in September 2012, since then he turned on the game before MFA-remember how to play. It turns out that yes: I went to the tournament, not counting on prizes, but left with one of the best results in the history of MFA. Lucky. In small communities, luck or conditional “talent” still play some role.
► Three cyberbogaty.
A prize place at the World Cup … when I went out SCV , I played all my free time in him, that is, six to seven hours for sleep, nine to ten to work (on weekdays) and then only hardcore. In the dry balance, it turned out six to seven hours a day for four months. It was enough to enter the top 9 Evolution 2012 , But I never got to the prizes. The higher the competition, the more the time factor decides. As in any game who plays the most, he wins. There are no secrets.
[] Soulcalibur V and Injustice: Gods among us – your main disciplines? How many competitions in the framework of MFA did you participate this year, which of the tournaments were remembered most?
[E.Okin] With the Soulcalibur series, I started my career in fightingboats, but at the moment I am not planning to play. I will or not continue – time will tell. Now I have been doing this for more than ten years, and I start to miss the incentive. On this, MFA played only in SC and Injustice. In the second – only for the sake of MFA, I did not like the game right away, like most American fighting.
[] Tell some funny life story related to the current or past championships under the auspices of Moscow Fighting Arena. There is something to remember?
[E.Okin] Funny … Well, the last MFA personally was a little dramatic for me. In SCV, my opponent in the Grand Final was so upset due to defeat that he not only did not shook my hand, but also showed an indecent gesture. Then I saw their company at the table, and everyone has tearful faces. For this it is worth living!
► And there were such hefty slot machines at the MFA-2013. Tell me what they are called?
More players in Mortal Kombat very worried that I commented on Stream their game. I like to joke and get fun, not everyone reacts adequately. By the way, in my opinion, not a single MFA passes without anyone threatened to go to me by physiognomy. But so far everything is limited to battles on the forums.
[] Some players choose joysticks, the latter – arcade sticks, others – hitboxes. What are you playing? You can give the exact name of your device and where you can buy it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of joysticks, arcade sticks and hitboxes, if they compare them?
[E.Okin] I am playing a hitbox now: HitBoxarcade.Com – There is all the information. It is intuitively convenient, it seems to me that the input is more accurate and faster. I see no reason not to use it. And a stick or a pad – here is an ephemeral difference. Unless the stick is more pathos.
► Many visitors came to support their friends from among the participants.
[] What is the Russian -speaking community of Fatitis? How large it is, and what is the average age of the participants of the championships? Do we have professional players who earn a living exclusively by playing fighting!?
[E.Okin] Yes, in general, there are few differences from any other community. We consider the number of players this way: for discipline, a usually strong backbone is about ten people, but in peak moments (like MFA) it grows up to fifty-eighties. Average age – 23–24 years old. We have no professionals, however, there are few of them in the rest of the world. South Korea and Japan, of course, do not count.