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Questions For/About Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton

” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. I think I’d try and keep it,” Trump said at a town hall meeting in April. But in the new book, George Bush Sr confirmed that he voted for the rival party’s candidate in Hillary Clinton. Using that megapoll, one can estimate a margin of sampling error for the statewide result and—more importantly—estimate the probability that Trump would carry the state. Winning over female voters entailed walking a particularly tortured path, former campaign aides say. A spokesman for the Justice Department declined to comment. We know about the secret wiretaps. ” He cautioned, however, that the Green Party or other third parties can matter at the margins in critical states. She was the first former first lady to serve in the U. A left leaning watchdog group on Wednesday announced a settlement of over $150,000 in a public records lawsuit against the Arizona Senate. Support for NewsHour Provided By. MARGAUX BENN: With us is Qadir, a member of the UN partner organisation who trained the female deminers. After the divorce, Virginia moved to California and married first a man named Coffelt, then a man named Charles Ritzenthaler. And each one was played like it was some breathless flash. For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity. Not only did the hashtag spread, but so did a graphic of Clinton’s 2008 campaign sign juxtaposed with the phrase “What difference does it make. That’s a pretty good group,” he tells AL. Obama wrote and delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, while still serving as a state legislator. She broke down heaving and sobbing when she realized that she would not be the one to tell them what happened. Clinton won last week’s Iowa caucuses by the slimmest of margins, and polls showed she was trailing Mr. Sussmann’s lawyers repeatedly said he had no reason to doubt the accuracy of the material when he provided it to the FBI.

Little Known Ways to Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s History of Talking About Glass Ceilings

Donald Trump and New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu both complained that liberal voters from Massachusetts were illegally bused into New Hampshire for the 2016 election, and Scott Brown blamed the same phenomenon for losing his senate race in 2014. Clinton admitted to having an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky on national TV. The former secretary of state, U. Video, 00:01:14Watch: Prince Louis drives digger with dad. The question of why these private emails were deleted has become the source of a lot of pretty wild speculation. To take it seriously, but not personally. Secretary of State Clinton’s visit to Georgia and the South Caucasus June 3 6 underscores both the importance of the region to the US and the pressing political and security issues in the Caucasus, which could involve the West, writes Kenneth S. Sometimes I yell at the TV even. I’m so inappropriate. Are trying to read your PDA with your sunglasses on. This includes other media organisations. She was a real champion of the late Richard Holbrooke, a brilliant foreign policy strategist who was known to be difficult. In 2000, while serving as First Lady of the United States,Hillary Rodham Clinton won election to the U. She is the first First Lady elected to the United States Senate and the first woman elected statewide in New York. Video, 00:02:13What Clinton’s gestures say about her. Coupled with our concerns for the Wellesley inside here in the community were our concerns for what happened beyond Hathaway House. Nolan Smith Net Worth 2023. “I have long believed that this was not going to be anymore than what Secretary Clinton said,” Kaine told Politico. In 2014, Hillary took on a new role: grandmother to Chelsea’s daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky. Which means that for many voters it will be Clinton’s trustworthiness that is on trial in the FOIA case. 9 million more votes nationwide, a margin of 2. Doing that didn’t remove the e mail content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor. The commission also “found probable cause to believe that Hillary for America” violated the law. Clinton summoned the early days of the nation, when the Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia. Trump has denied having affairs with both McDougal and Daniels. By Albert Hunt, opinion contributor. The former uses transitivity framework for the interpretation of a text whereas the latter draws on clause complex to meaningfully explore the text. In that world, are we talking about what an awful race President Clinton ran. The Courage Foundation is an international organisation that supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record.

Are You Struggling With Hillary Clinton? Let's Chat

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None of these e mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U. But she lost the general election to Donald Trump. Then came an even more unforgettable moment. The presence of many immigrants in the United State was justified in existential terms, for example, in the following claim. Asked in an interview that month if the practice was self defeating, given the anger over income inequality, Mrs. And I couldn’t stop thinking of my mother and what she went through as a child. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Did you know that the first time her husband was running for president. William Fulbright, and I started paying attention to the things the senator was saying. The Democratic nominee declared Trump’s resistance “horrifying. Building tomorrow’s America Building a better tomorrow Our Families, Our Future Secure the Future A future worth fighting for For your family. Has hot sauce ever mattered this much in an election. The book does not yet have a title. “Clinton will lay out what is at stake in the election,” the campaign said in a statement announcing the November 2 event in Phoenix. Clinton had delivered on his promise to do well in traditional Democratic strongholds, to win back large numbers of Reagan Democrats, and to attract middle class Republicans. So I think that when Donald Trump sits down and begins to look through the dynamics of that deal he may have second thoughts. WASHINGTON — Oprah Winfrey’s still a long way from the Oval Office, but a new O for POTUS boomlet caught fire after she delivered the kind of inspirational and aspirational message at the Golden Globes that Hillary Clinton had trouble hammering home in the 2016 presidential election. FBI officials say any final decisions on that probe were made by Mr. Updated: 12/20/2012 11:47 AM ET. During her speech, announcing that she would not be running, she cried, and the taunting and jeering she faced as a result of having broken down were ironed onto my 12 year old brain. “I have a lot of experience dealing with classified material,” Hillary Clinton told NBC’s Matt Lauer. In the weeks before the Iowa caucuses, Mrs. Can you pass your degree using ChatGPT. Clinton said it was vital that the United States create a new “security umbrella” to reassure Israel and its other allies in the region that they would not be threatened by Iran. Results of election by congressional district, shaded by winning candidate’s percentage of the vote. “There are homophobes still left, most of them are running for president, I think,” he said. Hillary’s parents expected her to study hard, and she was a student leader in high school. Americans have come too far to see our progress ripped away. A meme accompanying the post, stating “Trans rights are human rights,” echoes what Clinton, as secretary of State, told the United Nations in 2011: “Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights. On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails and email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State.

Picture Your Hillary Clinton On Top. Read This And Make It So

Martha McPhee

Clinton and her longtime adviser Philippe Reines have fiercely protected Ms. As for the Republicans, it’s about time they learned their lesson: they have been obsessed with the Clintons for more than 20 years now. They all began by explaining how incredibly difficult it would be for Trump to win the election. The path that takes Biden to the White House is a simple one: He wins the states in which the polls show him as the favourite, largely recreating and potentially expanding upon Barack Obama’s winning maps in 2008 and 2012. Clinton was the first lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and again from 1983 to 1992. Strider, and she was moved to a different job within the campaign, reporting directly to Mike Henry, the deputy campaign manager. Doing that didn’t remove the e mail content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor. On Twitter, Tim Miller, Mr. But I oppose the Keystone XL project. Clinton once led, prompting predictions a month ago of an Election Day romp, now show Mr. 8 on his social media platform, Truth Social. Use the unsubscribe link in the emails we send to opt out at any time. Meanwhile, high profile Clinton supporters have held up the dissonant results as an argument for fundamentally changing the system. Publicly available Bitly data reveals how many of the short links were clicked, likely by a victim opening a spearphishing email and clicking the link to the fake Gmail login page. A former member of a neo Nazi group pleaded guilty Monday to fatally shooting his two Florida roommates in 2017, abruptly avoiding the start of a murder trial in which he had planned to use the insanity defence, according to court records. For now, that task falls to a new generation of female leaders. President Donald Trump and his supporters on social media are citing unverified “Russian intelligence” from 2016 as evidence that Hillary Clinton “was behind the entire Russian collusion hoax. “I’m running for all Americans. Keywords : Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Left, Presidential Election 2016, Trump, USA. “To honor Dorothy, her family will hold a private celebration of her life for family and friends. Clinton is chatting with Nick Merrill, her longtime aide, who stayed on with her after she stepped down as secretary of state in 2013. A further three electors attempted to vote against Clinton but were replaced or forced to vote again. He used these process types to compare his claims to those of his political rival, for instance, on abortion: “If you go with what Hillary is saying verbal, in the ninth month, you can take a baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior tothe birth of the baby. “The way I see this is that there is a very big and important home here,” Warren said. Faith in Action is one of the largest faith based Alinsky influnced advocacy networks in existence. Trump has paid in taxes over the years, whether he in fact paid any federal taxes some years, and whether he has followed through on his charitable pledges. “He just earned a mandate,” Mr.

Hillary Clinton Thanks Bernie Sanders

And there was no joke at the end, and I went, ‘It’s over. “Follow the money with Trump – he’s raised about $130m sitting in his bank account that he used to travel around, to fund organising against elections. And you can say, well, inequality has still increased, because the top 1 percent did better, but I don’t think there’s much you could do about that unless you want to start jailing people. In August 1974, she moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas and became one of two female faculty members at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville School of Law, where Bill Clinton also taught. “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell asked the Clintons, “How would you describe a gutsy woman. According to Fortune, which analyzed the transcript of every presidential concession speech dating back to 1952, no candidate has ever apologized, making Clinton the first. “It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health. Support multistakeholder internet governance. If you believe that we should say “no” to unfair trade deals. Some former administration insiders say the policy — which the administration has since disavowed — was based on the erroneous idea that the North Korean regime would at some point collapse if left alone. Ambassador in more than 30 years, and the political fallout of the attack. Clinton had righted her ship and now had her own opportunity to pull away from Obama. Are protein powders bad for you. Photo illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios. The irony therefore is that it is Trump who has taken a more exceptional stance in saying that he wants to walk away from the US foreign policy consensus, even if it is doubtful that he has thought through the positions he has staked out during the campaign and might well behave very differently if elected. Health and Human Services secretary. September 2015 polling numbers indicated a narrowing gap between Clinton and Sanders. Of course, campaign trail deceit can do much more than just inflate a candidate’s reputation—or, if exposed, damage his or her credibility. In such cases, politicians can rightly profess to have evolved. Joe Biden DAndrew Cuomo DAl Gore DDennis Kucinich DBrian Schweitzer DElizabeth Warren D. Cathy Obrien was raped by Hillary Clinton when she was just a child. There are 215 documents that have been retroactively upgraded to “classified” and were not made publicly available. Clinton and Harris, the 55 year old US senator from California, do not have a particularly close relationship, and some Democrats might bristle at the suggestion that a woman of color’s success came as a product of a white woman’s rise in politics. They range from news organizations like Gawker and The Associated Press to conservative groups like Judicial Watch. Secretary of State and U. Despite the conclusions, the process Clinton underwent transgressed Justice Department guidelines, resulting in its wielding substantial political influence. Millennials, in particular, have been a highly valued demographic for the Clinton campaign. We put in a lot of hours and the pay is absolute zero. With a political system that keeps stalling, against the backdrop of a Northern Ireland that is less sectarian, there is an obvious question about whether the Good Friday Agreement might adapt to make it harder for politicians to bring down the institutions of power sharing. We had some interesting, even helpful, interactions in private and then the press would be invited in and he would say something insulting about America.

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Roby: The whole night. When the two families appeared onstage together during an awkward endorsement event in August 2000, President Clinton had to pull Hillary into the frame with the Gores, the first lady looking less than thrilled amid the blizzard of confetti. He continued: “Don’t do this. That was the story in place after place, as Trump sliced deeply into once large Democratic margins and built massive leads among rural voters. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton boards her campaign plane at Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport on November 6, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. So, first, what we have done. We also studied where the money was spent during the ad cycle of the general election. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. If you have any issues talk to WikiLeaks. But many Clinton supporters remain steadfast that she should not be pressured into releasing the text of private remarks. 5 pick in Monday’s NHL draft lottery. Clinton settled the Jones lawsuit for $850,000 but he did not acknowledge wrongdoing. Mrs Clinton denied the allegation and pressed the president into supporting her, but the author, Jerry Oppenheimer, said: “Three witnesses have now publicly acknowledged that she said it. August 24, 2016 – During an interview with Anderson Cooper, Clinton is asked about her and Powell’s claims concerning her use of a private email. No moorings, no bearings, nothing to anchor yourself.

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Nominated for the presidency, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, to the concussion that she was 42nd. Julian Assange had a long held animosity for her, too, going back to WikiLeaks’ foray into the State Department’s cables when Hillary was secretary of state. By now, Clinton doesn’t need Twitter to tell you who she is. The Manhattan island sold for $1. The park also honors Eleanor Roosevelt, one of the nation’s most celebrated First Ladies. In March 2020, the US Justice Department dropped its prosecution of two Russian firms linked to interference in the 2016 election. During the 2020 census, the Trump administration tried but failed to prevent people in the country illegally from being tallied. She held a rally at Barnard College in Manhattan with Vice President Kamala Harris and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an effort to energize Democrats to get out to the polls. Please check your inbox to confirm.

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Rogers holds such reverence for Obama that, when we return to his office after the tour, he can produce dozens of photos from the president’s visits. Julian Assange said the Russian government was not the source of the documents. ANZ is one of Australia’s Big Four banks. Walled within a protective armed fortress of non disclosure agreements, Trump himself hurls the boiling oil of hatred and abuse over the parapets at anyone who challenges him. They knew the race was far from over. The Courage Foundation is an international organisation that supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record. They will revisit her responsibility at a more opportune time. Back in June 2014, Clinton got very testy with “Fresh Air” host Terry Gross, who kept pushing Clinton to explain why this shift was not a matter of political calculation. I’m here to give you an update on the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e mail system during her time as Secretary of State. Its hight tum pipo has bin lying in da name of God. What has degraded political theatre into performative posturing, argues Clinton, is social media built on our obsession with screens – the catalyst in the witch’s brew of rightwing ideology, Christian fundamentalism, sheer greed and predatory capitalism driving the US’s political polarisation. Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle. 7 percent/FiveThirtyEight forecast: Clinton 67. They’re just keeping this core part of their identities under wraps because they are so committed to defending our nation. “I see nothing at all in the search warrant application that would give rise to probable cause, nothing that would make anyone suspect that there was anything on the laptop beyond what the FBI had already searched and determined not to be evidence of a crime, nothing to suggest that there would be anything other than routine correspondence between Secretary Clinton and her longtime aide Huma Abedin,” he said. Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton, served two terms as a senator from New York and as secretary of state during former President Barack Obama’s first term in office. It also comes as no surprise that Hillary retreated to their Chappaqua home after losing the 2016 election to Donald Trump. In the end, he never really said — but that conversation that started with politics then shifted to family and other topics went until 3 a. A YouGov poll found that 57% of Americans declared Clinton the winner, while 30% declared Trump the winner. What does this tour tell you. During the same show, Jones played a video comparing the former first lady’s laugh to a hyena. Why Gen Z are rejecting ‘prestige’ jobs. Blankfein: “That’s how you have a small fortunate, is you go to Washington. 10Politics in America, 2002: 671. We’re known as being fair even as the world becomes as polarized as at any time since the newspaper’s founding in 1908. Trump’s right wing populist nationalist campaign, which promised to “Make America Great Again” and opposed political correctness, illegal immigration, and many United States free trade agreements garnered extensive free media coverage due to Trump’s inflammatory comments. March 9, 2016 – Kendall, Florida. When the PBS NewsHour livestream is up and running, it will appear below. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour.

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Her faith is on full display in this book. But if some found it entertaining, Goldberg says mockery of Clinton’s appearance and her laugh represent “misogyny at its most elemental”. Trump after he “undermined our democracy” by lying about the 2020 election and inciting the Jan. Previous Image Next Image. For months, when advisers or friends gently suggested she say she was sorry for using a private email address and server while at the State Department, Mrs. THE PRESIDENT: No, it’s you. Full New Hampshire Results ». “It’s not unusual for folks with clearances to sometimes discuss classified matters in unsecure settings,” said Tony Mattivi, a former federal prosecutor who coordinated the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and counterterrorism cases in Kansas. That brings the superdelegate vote total to 712, which is the number used by RealClearPolitics. My very first cover story that I was writing about her for Time magazine was when she was turning 50. He is unfit to be President and it is time Republican leaders stand up to denounce this disturbing behavior in their nominee. During the 1992 presidential campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton observed, “Our lives are a mixture of different roles. Sometimes it has done so behind a veil of euphemisms and smiles—with what it could claim as plausible deniability. They filed out without ever hearing her speak. Sara Ehrman, whose friendship with the Democratic front runner dates back more than four decades, told JTA that the Clintons, upon arriving in Arkansas in the mid 1970s, quickly established ties with leaders of the state’s tiny Jewish community. They borrowed to invest with friends in a vacation home development called Whitewater. The RealClearPolitics polling average from the day before showed Clinton leading Trump nationally by nearly six points for perspective, Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney by four points in 2012. In November 2017, Brazile said in her book and related interviews that the Clinton campaign and the DNC had colluded ‘unethically’ by giving the Clinton campaign control over the DNC’s personnel and press releases before the primary in return for funding to eliminate the DNC’s remaining debt from 2012 campaign, in addition to using the DNC and state committees to funnel campaign limitation exceeding donations to her campaign. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 202 628 8500 TEL 202 628 8503 FAX.

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Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past. It was also leaving Richard Holbrooke to deal with the hardest parts of south Central Asia only to see him hamstrung by the White House, George Mitchell to bird dog the Mideast, Vice President Joe Biden per the president’s request to handle Iraq, and initially at least Dennis Ross to handle Iran. “My experience is, since I’ve left the White House, when a president of either party asks, you say yes,” Mr. The company seeks to build and create meaningful employment opportunities for resettled refugees. Mosads Clinton formally announced her 2016 bid in a video released Sunday, but the longtime Democratic front runner has been building up her support for years. Ms Lynch says they did not discuss the investigation. “I’d seen lots of homes in my hunt. If this sounds vaguely familiar, try Googling Gamergate. While the debate was widely characterized as both bitter and nasty, Clinton’s campaign was confident voters were capable of discerning the difference between the two candidates. You brought our country back. Are protein powders bad for you. Com, along with others registered in Hoteham’s name, are all connected to the Clintons’ address in Chappaqua, New York. Christie, the former New Jersey governor, could not bring himself to say that Hillary Clinton would have been the better choice to preserve democracy.

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Two brothers, Hugh and Tony, soon followed. Being born on October 26, 1947, Hillary Clinton is 75 years old as of today’s date 11 Jan 2023. Influenced by the assassinations of Malcolm X, Robert F. I’m an attorney, so I think the best way to approach some inquiry is to determine whether he was the proximate cause of her loss. Next Presidential and First Lady Portraits. Senator from New York from 2001 until 2009. Clinton’s weaknesses as a candidate were exposed. Trump applied the hyperbole of his birther crusade to his presidential campaign. And here, Clinton missed an opportunity. He concluded, with help from The Cook Political Report, that the election hinged not on Clinton’s large 2. Ron Johnson asked Datto Inc. George Floyd’s life mattered. She then performed “Formation” during Coldplay’s Super Bowl halftime show, flanked by backup dancers in outfits reminiscent of the Black Panthers. The numbers remain consistent for those with higher incomes. Having been on the receiving end of the right’s anger for decades, Clinton knows from relentless hate. And with the dire consequences Donald Trump poses for America’s working families, it has to be. History, Art and Archives, U. Key fingerprint 9EF0 C41A FBA5 64AA 650A 0259 9C6D CD17 283E 454C. “FBI Dir just informed us ‘Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton,'” Chaffetz tweeted about the second letter Comey had sent to Congress. Sanders repeated his pledge not to concede even if Mrs. Editors are asked to choose the person or thing that had the greatest impact on the news, for good or ill — guidelines that leave them no choice but to select a newsworthy, not necessarily praiseworthy, cover subject. The answer was even worse for Trump. But the Democratic nominee urged Americans to “accept this result” and the peaceful transfer of power.

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Com/tvpr and see the full list of supported devices. All these forces are expected to be withdrawn from the country by September. Gov are from “The First Ladies of the United States of America,” by Allida Black. Should they succeed, the loss of Arizona and its 11 electoral votes would further complicate Trump’s narrow path to reaching the 270 threshold to win the presidency. Indeed, on election night, TV commentators readily grasped that Trump’s strong performance in Pennsylvania increased the chance that he would also carry Michigan and Wisconsin. On New York’s biggest hip hop radio station Monday, a DJ asked Clinton what one item she always carries with her. “I gave some opinions. But they’re not why she lost. “History celebrates profiles in courage, not profiles in convenience,” O’Malley says in the video of him campaigning he tweeted. Coulombe, 72, said he has been grand martial at the annual memorial day parade and Hillary marks her calendar specially to make sure she does not miss it. All eyes are on Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention, but all the behind the scenes action is still happening at One Pierrepont Plaza in Brooklyn, New York. The moment also highlighted the challenge that almost every current or potential Republican primary candidate faces against Mr. It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us. 1 percent/FiveThirtyEight forecast: Clinton 75. I’m going to defend Hillary Clinton. 9 Clinton’s election made her the first woman torepresent New York in the United States Senate; she was alsothe first First Lady to win election to federal office. Forces from Iraq by the middle of 2007 in order to advance a political solution to the growing sectarian strife, she voted against it. Although Clinton had won a personal victory, his party remained in deep difficulty. A fair chance to get ahead. The White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave NWWashington, DC 20500. Trump himself thought he would lose even as the polls were closing. But the Priorities USA report implies a causation that it cannot prove without conducting the research. Instead, the Clintons unintentionally teach other lessons. The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for Hillary + Clinton. She had slept only briefly, but she was clear: She wanted to take a slightly more aggressive approach, focusing on the protection of democratic norms, and she wanted to emphasize the message to young girls, the passage that would become the heart of her speech. When she was about eight, by this time she had a younger sister. So I think we’ve got to address really systemic, generational poverty differently. Now let me tell you what we found.

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