You may also want to place relevant crystals, herbs, or flowers around your candle to amplify the right ~vibes~. Kerry Ward’s new book includes meditations and rituals based on your birthdate. If your wax is closer to the middle of your scrying bowl, it’s likely referring to something that occurred further in the past. That said, wax that gathers near the edge of your bowl may refer to situations that will soon be occurring. Remember to record anything you notice, no matter how small.
Dual Flames
You’ll just need to combine some of these descriptions to intuit the deeper meaning that your reading holds. Once your candle is melted, you can use the third method of ceromancy (also known as carromancy) to divine messages from the melted wax. Using this method of divination, a medium can intuit messages from the smoke that a candle (or even a stick of incense) creates. This method involves studying a flame closely and determining its meaning based on the action, intensity, and direction of the flame.
- Blue represents the natural element water, and has everything to do with healing, tranquility, and peace.
- Few people today (including royalty) possess the boldness required to put on orange garments.
- You can also intuit messages from the smoke of a candle or incense.
- First, you should determine that there are no environmental factors or issues with your candle that would prevent it from staying lit.
- Your candle will sometimes self-extinguish if the outcome has already happened before the candle is completely burned out.
Similar to receiving a reading, you can watch the candle burn and gain insights, she says. Then start to visualize your goal as if it has already happened. Imagine how you’d feel and what life would look like.
However, to you, it may mean heartbreak or a physical heart (maybe suggesting a possible medical condition). A candle wax flood can be characterized as something that’s out of control. Something is currently beyond your control, and it’s affecting your reading. More so than perhaps any of the other advent candle themes, love is easily misunderstood. We often think of love in purely sentimental terms, thinking it means being happy or being nice. While Advent wreaths as we know them have been around for nearly 200 years, the tradition of celebrating Advent goes back much further.
Before getting started, just as with any spell or ritual, it’s important to set an intention, as well as energetically clear the space you’re in. Quinn recommends always writing your intentions down to bring them from the mental realm into the physical. You’ll also want to use something like sound or smoke to clear the space. The beauty of candle magic is you can really make it your own and adjust your spells and rituals depending on your intention or goal. But here are some foundational basics to get you started. And last but not least, if you’re looking for a high-vibrational frequency, consider adding a gold candle to your collection.
There are countless ways to cleanse the energy of a room or an object, notes Potter. While her preferred method is with a selenite wand, you may candle readings and meanings choose to cleanse with smoke, aromatic mists, or even sound. The color of the natural element earth, brown candles can be used for any spells dealing with matters of the home, as well as any and all material things.
Some believe that a flickering candle flame announces the arrival of a spirit. But it can also mean you’re experiencing strong, raw emotions, which may lead to arguments. In A Little Book of Candle Magic, author DJ Conway explains that a flickering or sputtering candle’s communications can be interpreted by the four compass points. Grove and Gotto advise that a sporadically burning flame that dances about is indicative of a spell that has the power to work, but not without possible problems.
- Remind us that love is paradoxical, sacrificial, and only found in you.
- You can start with the first video – Jupiter, which you can burn for power and strength – or go to the candle / god whose aspects you feel most resonate with you right now.
- If there’s a lot of wax left, usually half an inch or so in a glass encased candle, this could mean you have things to work through before you can complete working.
- Conversely, wax traveling in a counter-clockwise direction may indicate a negative result or loss.
- Watch your candles closely and learn to read them to help you with your practice.
- Document your observations in detail, including the candle flame’s behavior, changes, and intuitive impressions.
How To Interpret Your Candle Wax Reading
In conclusion, reading candle wax is similar to interpreting a candle flame 🕯️, as both are fascinating ways to seek spiritual insights. Whether it’s a flower or any other shape, the melted wax can offer guidance, answers, and a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. That being said, it’s all about finding what works best for you. Other candle styles you might choose to use are tapered candles, pillar candles, votives, tealights, and even candles with intricate shapes that hold special meanings. It’s also important to note that pyromancy can be very subjective. There are also many variables that can affect the way a candle burns.
Green Candles
We all need to take time out for ourselves each day to relax and stay grounded. Gold is another color that promotes wealth, as well as power, manifestation, and prosperity of all kinds. Use it along with a green candle to give your money spells an extra oomph. If your ritual has anything to do with your love or sex life, odds are you’ll need a red candle. Your candle holder can be part of your candle magick, too. If your second attempt results in the candle burning evenly but fast, consider the spell successful.
What does it mean when a candle stutters?
Jump Lines, also known as chatter and stuttering are the unintended horizontal lines or rings around the sides of either a container or pillar candle.
It represents money, success, protection and victory over our troubles. The burning of a gold candle enhances communication with the universe as it attracts positive cosmic influences. Gold candles are recommended for use in rituals undertaken to gain personal power or fortune. Whether it’s your first time doing candle magic or it’s your 50th, one thing you’ll learn quickly is that no candle burns the same.
What are the different candle color meanings?
Placing a pink candle by your home’s doorway will welcome in love, and use a pink candle in a ritual to draw the eye of your object of affection. Conway also writes that a flame that sputters and crackles can indicate a form of communication. The intensity of both will hint at what type of messaging you’ll experience. For example, loud crackling and frequent sputtering are signs of negative arguments coming your way. According to Grove and Grotto’s The Candle Signs Dictionary, a blue flame symbolizes the presence of a spirit. This can be an angel, fairy, or other highly evolved spiritual entity.
Any time you use a candle to meditate, manifest, or set an intention, it’s candle magick. In terms of traditional witchcraft practices, however, candle magick is when a candle becomes your primary tool to work a spell. Arrange meaningful objects or symbols that align with your practice to create a spiritual and harmonious space for your ritual. Dim the lights to enhance your candle flame reading.
What is the 3 wick rule?
Light all 3 wicks at the same time for maximum aroma. The first time you use the candle, burn for at least 3-4 hours. Till a small pool of wax reaches the candle edges. Prevents uneven burn, tongue flick, tunneling, spillage etc. From second usage onwards, trim the wick a little before you light the candle.